World Class Selling is an about-face from obsolete hard-sell tactics. It eliminates the stereotype of salespeople maneuvering, ambushing, tricking, or cajoling customers into buying a product or service. World Class Selling involves doing things for the client rather then to the client. If the customer doesn’t benefit from the sale, the sale shouldn’t take place. World Class Selling is a scientific process that enables you to sell any product, service, or idea. Behind its procedures, lies an ethical philosophy that you can rely on: a win-win philosophy of serving the customer. You never need to con or pressure a prospect, or do anything against your standards or contrary to your personality. You will learn about the buyer’s hidden agenda: the Five Buying Decisions that every prospect must make before buying. If you don’t know what these decisions are, or the precise order in which they are made, you cannot reach your potential in sales. In World Class Selling, you will learn the Seven Steps of the Track Selling System that carry you smoothly through each of the prospects’ buying decisions in the correct order. You will also learn the Six Buying Motives–the “hot buttons” in selling. By adapting your presentations to your prospects’ motives you will increase your sales and your customers’ satisfaction. Most sales literature focuses on closing. But asking for the order and closing the sale are logical conclusions to a well-given presentation. That’s why World Class Selling covers each point in the sales process, from the approach to the close–and beyond. You’ll learn new ways–ways that help the customer–of dealing with objections such as, “I want to think it over,” “Your price is too high,” and “I want to shop around.” The skills, techniques, and philosophy of World Class Selling will give you a sustainable advantage over your competition. World Class Selling will show you how to sell more, earn more, and have more fun in the process.